
How was the year 2020 for PythonPune

2020 is about to end. Here are the few of the important things which happened over last one year. The pandamic gave us an opportunity to do few things differently.

  1. We reached a milestone of 10k members on meetup.com.

    A Tweet about reaching 10k members onmeetup

  2. First meetup group to go virtual from March 2020: March PythonPune meetup 2020.

  3. Completed Code of Conduct Incident Response workshop by Otter Tech (Thanks to PSF & PyCon US).

  4. Collaborations in 2020

    These are the events where we were involved or helped as community partners.

  5. Started having hangouts room after the meetup. This helped people to interact with each other.

  6. New website https://pythonpune.in

  7. This month marks 6 years of continous meetup events.

  8. Talks: 26. Newsletter links collected 151.

  9. Some statistics from YouTube.

    Views and comments stats from YouTube.